Acceptable formats for produced lecture material that can be imported to the platform are:
- Mpeg4 video, as recorded either by streaming server or mobile camera crew
- Series of lecture slide pictures, either exported from presentation or screen captured
- Xml files with slide timing information
- Accommodation for other material from custom presentations
- Ppt and pdf files to make available with video lecture material
The components of the platform under development are:
- Recording and live streaming scheduler
- Management of organization parameters (classes, rooms, teaching staff)
- Editors and post-processing tools
- Search portal and rich player
The published lectures on OpenDelos are closely tied to the respective course material hosted on Open eClass, the associated learning management system. The student can leverage the full material available for the course, both recorded lectures and LMS hosted activities. The two platforms provide live feeds of course metadata to the national aggregator portal, which offers a search interface at a national level for all indexed courses of participating institutions.